Angelique Lonsdale
The Angelique Lonsdale is a sophisticated and aromatic cigar that combines the finest tobacco leaves with a touch of sweetness. Its balanced profile and smooth draw make it a popular choice for those who appreciate a milder, yet flavorful smoke. The subtle hints of vanilla and cream in this cigar create an indulgent experience, perfect for pairing with a morning coffee or a light dessert.
Frothy Monkey Signature
A truly unique offering, the Frothy Monkey Signature cigar is a blend that pays homage to the artistry of cigar making. This cigar is known for its rich, complex flavors that develop with each puff. The Frothy Monkey Signature is an ideal choice for those who enjoy a medium to full-bodied smoke, with notes of earth, coffee, and a hint of spice that lingers on the palate.
Aviator Cochot Volont
For those seeking a cigar with a bold character, the Aviator Cochot Volont delivers a robust and dynamic smoking experience. Crafted with a meticulous blend of aged tobaccos, this cigar offers deep flavors of dark chocolate, leather, and a peppery finish. The Aviator Cochot Volont is perfect for a seasoned smoker looking for a cigar that stands out in both strength and complexity.
Accomplice Classic
The Accomplice Classic is a versatile cigar that appeals to a wide range of cigar enthusiasts. Its smooth and well-balanced blend makes it an excellent choice for any occasion. With flavors that include cedar, nuts, and a touch of sweetness, the Accomplice Classic is a great introduction to the Principle line or a reliable go-to for a consistent, enjoyable smoke.
Experience Principle Cigars at The Epitome
The Epitome is dedicated to offering only the finest cigars, and our selection of Principle Cigars is a testament to that commitment. Each cigar in this collection is carefully chosen to provide our customers with a unique and satisfying smoking experience. Visit The Epitome today to explore our range of Principle Cigars and discover your new favorite.
Whether you're relaxing in our newly redesigned lounge or taking a cigar home to enjoy later, our team is here to guide you through our selection and ensure you find the perfect match. Experience the elegance and quality of Principle Cigars at The Epitome – where tradition meets excellence.