Why Join the Cigar of the Week Club?
Exclusive Selections: Each week, members receive a premium cigar that has been selected for its quality and unique characteristics. These are cigars from top brands and include limited editions and new releases that you might not try otherwise.
Community and Connections: The Cigar of the Week Club at The Epitome is also about the people you meet. Hang out with a diverse group of cigar lovers, share stories, and build relationships. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned smoker, you’ll find company and conversation as enriching as the cigars themselves.
Expert Guidance: Learn more about cigars from our knowledgeable staff and guest experts who come in to share their insights about the craftsmanship behind each week’s selection.
Special Member Benefits: Members of the club enjoy special discounts on purchases, first access to special events, and the option to participate in members-only gatherings.
How to Join?
Joining is easy! Visit us at The Epitome or sign up through our website. Membership offers are flexible, with options to suit different preferences and schedules.
Experience The Epitome Every Week
Make your weeks more exciting with the promise of a new cigar and the opportunity to relax and unwind in good company. The Cigar of the Week Club at The Epitome is your weekly escape to the finer things in life. Don’t just smoke a cigar; experience it with friends who share your passion. Join us, and let each week bring a new discovery.
Visit Us and Become Part of Our Community
Ready to elevate your cigar experience? Visit The Epitome today or check out our website to join the Cigar of the Week Club. Discover new cigars, meet new friends, and enjoy the camaraderie. We can't wait to welcome you!